Brian -- ...and then Brian Clark said... % * David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Dec 06. 2001 06:06]: % % > % me wonder why the author(s) of Mutt didn't go ahead and add in support % > % for clear signing that's on par with its PGP/MIME ease of use. % > % > Well, it is; just set $pgp_create_traditional and you're now doing it the % > old way instead of the MIME way with no other changes. % % Yep, but then I'm without PGP/MIME at all. Whew, *puke* :-)
This is what made me go through a reply... I agree that if you just stick with the traditional way you're without PGP/MIME, and I agree that that's A Bad Thing. If you haven't yet, check out hooks; you can change your configuration based on to whom your sending, your current folder, the current message, and more. In particular you could turn on these two vars when sending to MIME-challenged users (or, depending on which is your larger pool, turn them off when communicating with The Elite). % % > % > I have had wonderful success with the stock $pgp_create_traditional and % > % > the patch-supplied $pgp_outlook_compat settings; when both are "yes", ... % > patch the source itself after you pull it down from :-) % % (See my replies higher in the thread today) See my reply to your reply ;-) % % I set both of those (_outlook_compat and _create_traditional) and I'm good % to go. I turned off my pgp procmail filter to make sure. Yahoo! BTW, your procmail filter (incoming) has nothing to do with these two settings (outgoing). But I'm glad they work for you (now be sure to only use them when you *have* to, since it's still The Wrong^WOld Way). % % Thank you all for all of the help! :-) My pleasure. % % -- % -Brian Clark :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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