[16.11.01 14:33 -0500] Bela Bartok <-- :
> Hi, i thought my mail problems was solved, but i was wrong, i realize 
> that mutt use pop3 protocol to recive my emails (execellent) but it DOES 
> use my local sendmail, please, I am looking for a email client that ONLY 
> uses imap or pop3 for sending and reciving, like netscape or mozilla 
> mail but that can be execute without X-windows.

imap and pop3 are just protocols and have nothing to do with any action
of sending or receiving. And the task of an email client is to show the
emails, (call a writing program for) writing answers and handle the
answer over to a program which sends the mail out.

> I dont like to use my local sendmail!!!, 
  use one of the alternates, nullmailer, postfix, qmail, exim ...

> i have an "offline" machine, i just want to connect to internet,
> on console,
  pppd for modem

> execute a program,
  your /bin and /usr/bin directories have a lot to play with ;)

> fetch email,
  fetchmail for console

> read and

> and send mail
  some alternates already mentioned above

> using ONLY pop3 or imap,
  pop3 supported everywhere, not sure whether simple smtp's all have it

> is that posible on a modem unix like os such as freebsd ? 
  one of the easiest tasks on all *ix systems

> is posible to set up mutt in order to use only pop3 or imap
> for sending and reciving? 
  see the mutt docs how to set it up

> this is the realation i want:
> console                   X-windows
> nestcape                    lynx
> wordperfect                vi/ee/pico
> netscape-mail       what goes here?????????HELP!
  seems to me you mixed these up

> please, I want a person that solve my mail problems,
  If you need someone to do the whole stuff for you hire someone,
  otherwise you will have to read a lot of documentation, try it
  and come back with detailed error messages in case you are stuck.
  We all learned it this way.

Erika Pacholleck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mutters: insert vowels of last name
headerhunters: no time yet investigating the lastest version ;)

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