On Sat, Nov 17, 2001 at 07:10:57AM -0500, Bela Bartok wrote:
> hi, your letter, beside joke at me, did no solve my problem, you are the 
> tipical person that joke at other's confusion and dont help!, you are 
> the typical person that full mailing lists or "wise", "deep" comments 
> and "reflections" but dont help!!!. You are the typical open source 
> anti-support guy.!
> David T-G wrote:
> >Bela --
> >
> >...and then Bela Bartok said...
> >% Hi, i thought my mail problems was solved, but i was wrong, i realize 
> >% that mutt use pop3 protocol to recive my emails (execellent) but it DOES 
> >
> >Yep.
> >
> >
> >% use my local sendmail, please, I am looking for a email client that ONLY 
> >
> >Absolutely.
> >
> >
> >% uses imap or pop3 for sending and reciving, like netscape or mozilla 
> >% mail but that can be execute without X-windows.
> >
> >No mail program uses POP3 for sending.  Some other programs have been
> >known to make a connection directly to a remote machine's port 25 and
> >send that way, but mutt doesn't do that.
> >
> >
[[[[[[ s n i p ]]]]] 
---end quoted text---

David was making an honest attempt to reply to your questions which were
confusing, in part due to your command of the english language.  THIS IS NOT
bashing you for your problems with english, but pointing out the
difficulties of INTERPRETING your questions and trying to answer clearly.

Continuing to DERIDE the individuals here who attempt to help you will only
gain more derision and LESS assistance.
Pat Shanahan               Registered Linux User #207535
                    Registered at: http://counter.li.org

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