On Sat, Nov 17, 2001 at 07:10:57AM -0500, Bela Bartok wrote:
> hi, your letter, beside joke at me, did no solve my problem, you are the 
> tipical person that joke at other's confusion and dont help!, you are 
> the typical person that full mailing lists or "wise", "deep" comments 
> and "reflections" but dont help!!!. You are the typical open source 
> anti-support guy.!
Hey - I think you didn't read the email exect enough. I the mail from
the "open source anti-support guy" was written down that you shouldn't use
an email-client to deliver emails. You should use an MTA to deliver them.

So - If you really want an email-client also working as MTA (the program
to deliver your mails) you can't use mutt.

If you want use mutt, you should/must use a MTA like sendmail, postfix, exim,
... Whatever you want! It's your choice to use the best/fastest/simplest mta
or whatever YOU want.

So - I hope I could help you.


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