I'm in trouble tryng to use mutt-prcmail to manage my attach files, I'm
using this piece of figuration in my procmailrc

| metamail -q -w -x

to save tha attach file separately. all is working well, but the name of the
output file of metamail (the attach file I want to use) seems a random
sequence of letter. In the man page of metamail I read: 

This option tells metamail that instead of consulting a mailcap file to
decide how to display the data, it should simply decode each part and write
it to a file in its raw (possibly binary) format. Depending on the
circumstances in which it is called, metamail may derive the file name to
use from the message headers, by asking the user, or by generating a unique
temporary file name.

But i'd like to have my attach file with the original name, If someone send
me the XYZ.gif file I would like to rescue in my $MAILDIR/attach/$DATE
directory looking for the name "XYZ.gif"


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