Hi, i thought my mail problems was solved, but i was wrong, i realize 
that mutt use pop3 protocol to recive my emails (execellent) but it DOES 
use my local sendmail, please, I am looking for a email client that ONLY 
uses imap or pop3 for sending and reciving, like netscape or mozilla 
mail but that can be execute without X-windows.
I dont like to use my local sendmail!!!, i have an "offline" machine, i 
just want to connect to internet, on console, execute a program, fetch 
email , read and send mail using ONLY pop3 or imap, is that posible on a 
modem unix like os such as freebsd ? is posible to set up mutt in order 
to use only pop3 or imap for sending and reciving? this is the realation 
i want:
console                   X-windows
nestcape                    lynx
wordperfect                vi/ee/pico
netscape-mail       what goes here?????????HELP!

please, I want a person that solve my mail problems,
thanks alot

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