* Andy Spiegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010718 12:58]:
> > > Might be helpful with some naive new-mail checking programs, but of
> > > course breaks mechanisms which really look for mailbox updates.
> > I vote for removing the code. (c:
> > Anyone objects?
> Noone objected - does that mean that the code will be removed in the next
> release? If no, what do I have to do so that it will be removed?
I'll throw in my objection then. You're proposing something like this??
Index: mbox.c
RCS file: /home/roessler/cvs/mutt/mbox.c,v
retrieving revision 2.20
diff -u -r2.20 mbox.c
--- mbox.c 2001/05/10 08:02:18 2.20
+++ mbox.c 2001/07/19 11:57:58
@@ -957,11 +957,6 @@
return (-1);
- /* Restore the previous access/modification times */
- utimebuf.actime = statbuf.st_atime;
- utimebuf.modtime = statbuf.st_mtime;
- utime (ctx->path, &utimebuf);
/* reopen the mailbox in read-only mode */
if ((ctx->fp = fopen (ctx->path, "r")) == NULL)
I think mutt should restore the a/m times.
- Matt Dunford <> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ..
-. www.zotikos.com -- o,;-
"Good news, everyone." -Professor
"Uh oh. I don't like the sound of that." -Bender
"You'll be making a delivery to the planet Trisaw." -Professor
"Here it comes." -Bender
"A mysterious world in the darkest depths of the forbidden zone."
"Thank you, and goodnight." -Bender
-- Futurama