Hi Matt,

> My reasoning is close to Luke's: to support legacy mail notification
> programs.
I thought about that, too.  I think the change whouldn't affect bash if
mutt only keeps the timestamp of the incoming mailbox /var/mail/..., right?

> However, I see your point.  I wasn't really thinking about
> how it affects backups and syncronization.  I can see how this can
> introduce problems w/ programs like, say, rsync.
> I change my vote then.  But mutt isn't really a democracy.. ;-)

Great!  Developers, will you change it then? :-)

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 URL: http://spiegl.de, http://radiomaranon.org.pe
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 To be meek, patient, tactful, modest, honorable, brave is not
 to be either manly or womanly; it is to be humane.  -- Jane Harrison

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