> All you have been proving so far is that mutt is able to read and
> rewrite a 4-message, 20k mailbox within less than 60 seconds...
Noooo, I have also proven that the timestamp is the same BEFORE and AFTER
opening and changing the contents of the mailbox:
> >> hamster:~>l testmailbox
> >> -rw------- 1 spiegl users 26537 Feb 20 20:57 testmailbox
> >> hamster:~>l testmailbox
> >> -rw------- 1 spiegl users 26579 Feb 20 20:57 testmailbox
> >> hamster:~>l testmailbox
> >> -rw------- 1 spiegl users 18153 Feb 20 20:57 testmailbox
Only the size of the mailbox changes, but not the timestamp.
By the way you are also wrong about the proof of the 60 seconds. :-)
I had done this test not 5 months ago, but very recently. Only the
timestamp of the file is from February!
Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
URL: http://spiegl.de, http://radiomaranon.org.pe
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