On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 01:48:48PM +0100, furio ercolessi wrote:
> So my original question should probably be turned into:
> - how do I change Resent-From: in bounced mail, so that mail appears
>   to be resent from the address that I configured as From: (using my_hdr)
>   and in envelope (using sendmail -f), rather then from my Unix
>   username?
>   Defining Resent-From: with my_hdr seems to be a no-no ;)

That's strange.  I'm using 1.2.5i with:
set from="Peter Pentchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
in my .muttrc, and when I tried to send a message to myself, and then
bounce it again, it seemed to work ok - the last 4 lines of the bounced
message are:

User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i
Resent-Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 15:02:32 +0200

>From looking at the source, mutt determines the Resent-From: address
in just the same way as the From: address in normal messages.


If you think this sentence is confusing, then change one pig.

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