Using a large mallet, furio ercolessi whacked out:

> Our 'sendmail' is really the sendmail-like interface of postfix.
> Anyway, we use a similar setup for masquerading the domain part.

I forgot you use postfix :)

> It is not the domain part but the username part that I would
> like to change.  That is: if I receive mail on an alias, I would

The simplest way being to set up a local login matching that email address (but
it's rather expensive). You could do a little rewriting of course - there's an
example cf file in the /etc/postfix directory which would help I expect :)

> Why is that a feature?
Search me - I'm just quoting what I heard someone else say on the list :)

Suresh Ramasubramanian + Lumber Cartel India - <tinlcI>
mallet @ + Wallopus Malletus Indigenensis
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin

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