On Thursday, December 07, 2000 (CS:4.49.342) 01:13:06 [AM] (-0800)
Jason Helfman [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote...
> | > So I'm still missing a valid setting for pgp_getkeys_command. Why does 
> | > set pgp_getkeys_command="gpg --no-secmem-warning --no-verbose \
> | > --batch --with-colons --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys %r"
> | > not work?
> What does this do?

This command tells mutt to connect to a key server and download the public
key for the sender. When using gpg you dont need that setting AISB because
gpg can do that job. 
> Does anyone recommend a key server ? I am in USA.

There is no good or bad server. From the gpg-manpage:
                 Use --keyserver to lookup keys which  are  not  yet  in
                 your keyring.  This is only done while verifying
                 messages with signatures.  The  option  is  also
                 required  for the command --send-keys to specify
                 the keyserver to where the keys should be  send.
                 All  keyservers synchronize with each other - so
                 there is no need to send keys to more  than  one
                 server.   Using  the  command "host -l pgp.net |
                 grep wwwkeys" gives you a  list  of  keyservers.
                 Because  there  is  load  balancing using round-
                 robin DNS you may notice that you get  different
                 key servers.

As you see, all servers synchronize with each other. And it doesnt matter which
keyserver you choose, you get a random one each time.

BFN mh
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Linux - Nothing else matters
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