On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 12:08:07AM -0200, Rod Pike wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 06:48:11PM +0100, Martin wrote:
> > On Wednesday, December 06, 2000 (CS:3.49.341) 22:54:19 [PM] (-0200)
> > Rod Pike [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote...
> >  
> > > What version of pgp are you using?  I don't get a list of keys.  
> > 
> > AISB im not using pgp at all. gpg works fine for me!
> > 
> Sorry I thought we were comparing apples :)
> > > I create a mail and use the "p" commmand to give me the encryption menu.
> > > Then I enter "e" for encrypt and "y" to send.  Then I get "Enter keyID
> > > for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:".  If I hit enter, mutt just keeps asking
> > > the same question.  If I enter the keyID given for the destination
> > > address ( using the output from pgp -kv ) I get the same response.  It
> > > doesn't seem to be able to find the key.  Do I need to set some
> > > variables in order for mutt to find my public ring?
> > 
> > So you can decrypt messages. How about signing or verifing signed messages?
> > Did you try to sign and encrypt a message? (pressing first S, then E in the
> > pgp menu)
> After first doing a "p" "s" and then "p" "e", I get the same response
> when I send the message.
> > 
> > from pgp6.rc
> > ----<snip>-------------
> > # read in the public key ring
> > set pgp_list_pubring_command="pgpring -5 %r"
> > ----<snap>-------------
> > 
> > First you should check if this command really lists your public key ring. If
> > it does, its a mutt problem. Probably pgp6 changed the format of the output
> > so mutt cant parse it anymore.
> > If that command doesnt list the public key ring you should look at your pgp 
> > manual to find the right command and insert it there (with the %r)
> pgpring -5 gives the following colon delimited output.  I only have one
> key in my keyring so this is the total output.
> fread: Success
> pub:n:1023:17:C8EA6B35BAEF3EBE:1997-10-09::::My Buddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> fread: Success
> I'm not sure if its in the right format or not.  What appears to be the
> keyID looks a little formidble.  I wonder why there isn't a -6 option
> for pgpring?
> Can anybody me if mutt should be able to correctly parse the above
> string?
> > 
> > (ever though about using gpg instead;))
> Yes, I've started to play around with it but I'd like to get PGP working
> first.  I currently use Outlook for sending encrypted mails using PGP
> and I'd like to stick to PGP for the time being until I'm more
> comfortable with GPG.

Gave up trying to get PGP6 to work with mutt on my RH6.2 installation.
No luck figuring out what the problem or solution is.  I've switched to
GnuPG and so far thing seem to be working except for....(I'll start
another thread)
Rod Pike
rodneyp @ utanet.at

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