On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 06:48:11PM +0100, Martin wrote:
> On Wednesday, December 06, 2000 (CS:3.49.341) 22:54:19 [PM] (-0200)
> Rod Pike [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote...
> > What version of pgp are you using?  I don't get a list of keys.  
> AISB im not using pgp at all. gpg works fine for me!
Sorry I thought we were comparing apples :)

> > I create a mail and use the "p" commmand to give me the encryption menu.
> > Then I enter "e" for encrypt and "y" to send.  Then I get "Enter keyID
> > for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:".  If I hit enter, mutt just keeps asking
> > the same question.  If I enter the keyID given for the destination
> > address ( using the output from pgp -kv ) I get the same response.  It
> > doesn't seem to be able to find the key.  Do I need to set some
> > variables in order for mutt to find my public ring?
> So you can decrypt messages. How about signing or verifing signed messages?
> Did you try to sign and encrypt a message? (pressing first S, then E in the
> pgp menu)

After first doing a "p" "s" and then "p" "e", I get the same response
when I send the message.

> from pgp6.rc
> ----<snip>-------------
> # read in the public key ring
> set pgp_list_pubring_command="pgpring -5 %r"
> ----<snap>-------------
> First you should check if this command really lists your public key ring. If
> it does, its a mutt problem. Probably pgp6 changed the format of the output
> so mutt cant parse it anymore.
> If that command doesnt list the public key ring you should look at your pgp 
> manual to find the right command and insert it there (with the %r)

pgpring -5 gives the following colon delimited output.  I only have one
key in my keyring so this is the total output.

fread: Success
pub:n:1023:17:C8EA6B35BAEF3EBE:1997-10-09::::My Buddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
fread: Success

I'm not sure if its in the right format or not.  What appears to be the
keyID looks a little formidble.  I wonder why there isn't a -6 option
for pgpring?

Can anybody me if mutt should be able to correctly parse the above

> (ever though about using gpg instead;))

Yes, I've started to play around with it but I'd like to get PGP working
first.  I currently use Outlook for sending encrypted mails using PGP
and I'd like to stick to PGP for the time being until I'm more
comfortable with GPG.

Rod Pike
rodneyp @ utanet.at

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