Well, I have been trying to configuring Mutt with PGP and I have
not succeed as of yet. Can anyone submit the relevant commands
from their muttrc or some other file so I can get this to work.
Also, how would I send me pgp key to a server so others can
verify it? Last thing would be how do I verify someones key
from a server?
PS> Here is the current command set I am using with my muttrc
#------------------------------PGP Stuff-----------------------------------
#set pgp_v2=/usr/local/bin/pgp
set pgp_pubring=~/.pgp/pubring.pgp
set pgp_secring=~/.pgp/secring.pgp
#set pgp_default_version=pgp2
#set pgp_receive_version=default
#set pgp_send_version=default
#set pgp_key_version=default
#set pgp_autosign=yes
set pgp_sign_command="/usr/local/bin/pgp -s -u Eric Ekong "
set pgp_sign_as=AAC85999
#set pgp_encryptself
set pgp_replysign
set pgp_verify_sig=yes
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