On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 11:20:36PM +0100, Martin wrote:
> On Monday, December 04, 2000 (CS:1.49.339) 21:54:30 [PM] (-0200)
> Rod Pike [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote...
> > > When you look in your mutt/contrib directory you will find a file callled
> > > gpg.rc for GnuPG, which i recommend right here, and some pgpX.rc files.
> > > You only have to source the right file to your muttrc (see the
> > > mutt manual for that)
> > > 
> > I wish it were that simple.  I've been trying to get PGP 6.5.8 working
> > with limited success.  I source the pgp6.rc and am able to decrypt mails
> > but when I try to encrypt and send I am continually asked for the keyID
> > for the recipient who is in my public ring.  Entering the keyid doesn't
> > help and I'm stuck in a loop.
> Whats happening there exatly? When mutt asks for the keyID i just hit enter
> and mutt lists all available keys so i can select the right one. Thats
> how it should work. If mutt cant get the keys you should check if pgpring
> and pgpewrap (see mutt-X.X.X/doc/PGP-Notes.txt) are available to mutt. (usually
> in /usr/local/bin) They have to be in path!

pgpewrap and pgpring are in /usr/bin.  Incidently, although pgpewrap
exists in pgp2.rc and pgp5.rc, it does not exist in pgp6.rc.  pgpring is
only used in pgp6.rc.  Maybe this has something to do with it?

The commands that use pgpewrap in pgp5.rc use a command pgp6 in pgp6.rc.
I hope I'm correct in assuming that pgp6 is just an alias/link to the
pgp command from PGP.6.5.8 and not some other command.

What version of pgp are you using?  I don't get a list of keys.  

Here's what happens for me.

I create a mail and use the "p" commmand to give me the encryption menu.
Then I enter "e" for encrypt and "y" to send.  Then I get "Enter keyID
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:".  If I hit enter, mutt just keeps asking
the same question.  If I enter the keyID given for the destination
address ( using the output from pgp -kv ) I get the same response.  It
doesn't seem to be able to find the key.  Do I need to set some
variables in order for mutt to find my public ring?

> > I get the impression that nobody has actually verified the PGP6.5.8
> > works with mutt and everybody is using GnuPG instead.
> Probably. Just for fun i searched the mutt manual for pgp 6 - guess what
> no hit! But if the file is included it should work! Its not like we're
> working with MicroJunk or something...

Yes but it's been my experience that Linux apps don't generally work
100% right out of the box and require a little bit of tinkering but once
you have them set up, they work like a dream.

> from pgp6.rc
> <snip>
> #
> # $Id: pgp6.rc,v 1.2 2000/04/26 07:57:33 roessler Exp $
> #                                        ^^^^^^^^
> <snap>
> IIRC thats thomas roessler (i may be wrong there),
> who is also on this list...
> Maybe he can tell us something about that


He's already given me a hint on what to do with the "pkspxycwrap" in the
pgp6.rc but I'm still looking into it.


Rod Pike
rodneyp @ utanet.at

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