
CTRL-S is the XOFF signal; it "freeze" the terminal until a XON is
sent.  That's CTRL-Q, normally.  Mutt never actually received the
CTRL-S, it was interpreted before it reached its destination.


Quoting Ben Beuchler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 08:27:00PM +0300, Mikko H?nninen wrote:
> > Ben Beuchler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 27 Jul 2000:
> > > macro index \Cs "<pipe-message><enter>
> > > 
> > > If I call it manually from within mutt via the "|" command, it works
> > > fine. prompts me to hit a key to continue and I drop back in to
> > > mutt.  If, however, I call it from the macro shown above, mutt locks up
> > > completely.  There does not appear to be a perl process running
> > > anywhere, so I don't think it's actually the external script that's
> > > locking up.  Any suggestions?
> > 
> > I don't know if you copied that from your .muttrc verbatim, but there's
> > no ending quote in that line.  That could Seriously Mess Up Things(tm).
> Good point.  Fixed that but it still didn't work.  It turns out that it
> was the \Cs.   For some reason mutt didn't like using ^s as a macro.  No
> matter what I specified there, it locked up.  I checked and it is not
> being used anywhere else in the config.  My Eterm doesn't have anything
> bound to that...  Very weird.  I changed the keystroke to 'Z' and it
> worked fine.
> Curiouser and curiouser...
> Ben
// david lebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       // nobiaze' Inc.
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