On Thursday, 27 July 2000 at 13:10, Ben Beuchler wrote:
> Good point.  Fixed that but it still didn't work.  It turns out that it
> was the \Cs.   For some reason mutt didn't like using ^s as a macro.  No
> matter what I specified there, it locked up.  I checked and it is not
> being used anywhere else in the config.  My Eterm doesn't have anything
> bound to that...  Very weird.  I changed the keystroke to 'Z' and it
> worked fine.

that's an stty problem. ^s means suspend output (and ^q resume), if
you're on an old 300 baud dialup line...

try something like

stty -ixon ixoff

on your terminal before running mutt, and see if you can't use \Cs
then. If you get stuck, \Cq should make things go again.

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