Quoting Ben Beuchler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I'm trying to set up a macro to pipe mail through the oh-so-spiffy
> spam.pl program (spam.sourceforge.net).  This is what I have defined:
> macro index \Cs "<pipe-message>spam.pl<enter>

I'm also using that program (spam.pl), and here is my macro:

  macro index .S "|spam.pl\n"

It works just fine.

// david lebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       // nobiaze' Inc.
// http://www.lebel.org/               // http://www.nobiaze.com/
// pgp: 3633 6999 D47E 73ED 099F       // vox: 514.943.3045
        4341 08A4 8E48 EF56 61D1       // fax: 514.938.8881

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