On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 02:48:41PM +0300, Mikko H?nninen wrote:
> > What I was looking for was a way to change the browser format when
> > I'll have to roll the change of $folder_format variable into my macros
> > for switching from local to IMAP and back, they're going to be big
> > macros!
> Why don't you just do "source .mutt/to-imap" and "source .mutt/to-local"
> or something in the macros? Keep them simple and put all the code in
> the separate files... That way you can also edit the files and don't
> need to resource your .muttrc everytime. :-)
I was looking for the 'right' way to do this and you've just pointed
me towards it. It's a little more complicated than just two macros
because I need a different macro for 'save this message to an IMAP
folder via the browser' and 'change to an IMAP folder via the
Currently these are :-
macro index ,s "s?c^U{x-1.net:50143}INBOX.^M"
macro index ,c "c?c^U{x-1.net:50143}INBOX.^M"
I also need a macro to switch the browser back to local if necessary,
I could of course remap the existing 's' and 'c' commands to do this.
If I need to add more than just the 'set folder_format=xxx' command to
thse then just a ':source <filename>' tagged on the end won't be too
messy. As you say too it makes it easier to change things without
having to do anything explicitly from mutt.
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