Shouldn't it REsend the edited message??? I'm sending one message to myself (which I receive accordingly) but if I go the sent-mail folder and ``resend-message'' I don't receive a new copy. Since this function is NOT listed in the manual: What exactly does the `resend-message' function?? -- Francisco. São Paulo, Brasil. __o `\<, _____(*)/(*)_____
- Re: What `resend-message' do?? (It's not in 1.2 manual... Francisco D. Borges
- Re: What `resend-message' do?? (It's not in 1.2 m... Mikko Hänninen
- Re: What `resend-message' do?? (It's not in 1... Francisco D. Borges
- Re: What `resend-message' do?? (It's not ... Mikko Hänninen
- Re: What `resend-message' do?? Francisco D. Borges
- Re: What `resend-message' do?? Mail-f... Francisco D. Borges
- Re: What `resend-message' do?? (It's not in 1... clemensF
- Re: What `resend-message' do?? (It's not ... Mikko Hänninen