I am trying to set my folder_format using folder-hook, I'm having
terrible trouble generating any RE that matches a folder at all at the

In my muttrc I have:-

    folder-hook . 'set folder_format="%N  %7s %f"'

which works OK, I do get that folder_format, for *everything*!

The question is how to match a remote IMAP folder name, the folder
name will always start "{x-1.net:50143}" but whatever I try doesn't
seem to work.  I have even tried matching some local folders but I
can't get them to work either.

I have triend 
    folder-hook x-1 'set folder_format="%N  %F %f"'
    folder-hook 50143 'set folder_format="%N  %F %f"'
    folder-hook .x-1 'set folder_format="%N  %F %f"'

    folder-hook ^{ 'set folder_format="%N  %F %f"a
which I found in one of the sample muttrc files just produces an

I also tried:-
    folder-hook AFM 'set folder_format="%N  %F %f"'
to match a local folder called AFM but that didn't work either.

I am fairly familiar with REs.  However it's not clear (to me) from
the mutt documetnation how the folder-hook REs are supposed to
matchshould they match anywhere in the folder name or do they always
start matching from the first character?  Also does one have to match
the whole string?

Oh, and yes, I do have the '.' folder-hook command first.

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