Mikko, et al --

...and then Mikko Hänninen said...
% Chris Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 15 May 2000:
% > The question is how to match a remote IMAP folder name, the folder
% > name will always start "{x-1.net:50143}" but whatever I try doesn't
% > 
% >     folder-hook x-1 'set folder_format="%N  %F %f"'
% >     folder-hook 50143 'set folder_format="%N  %F %f"'
% >     folder-hook .x-1 'set folder_format="%N  %F %f"'

I don't see why these wouldn't work, since they're the same format as my
brother ended up using (see below).  Then, again, it's late for me...

% I'll just comment that someone filed a bug-report with folder-hooks and
% IMAP mailboxes awhile ago.  I don't have the email anymore so I can't
% check, but it had something to do with the {} in the IMAP folder names

I mentioned that, though not as a specific bug report.  {} are special
characters for a regex, and so you can't match on them (*that* perhaps
due to a bug, since it should be escapable *somehow*).  My brother found
this problem when trying out IMAP folders and folder-hooks, and he ended
up simply matching a sufficiently unique substring and going from there.

David T-G                       * It's easier to fight for one's principles
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