On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 12:12:35AM +0300, Mikko H?nninen wrote:
> Chris Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 15 May 2000:
> > The question is how to match a remote IMAP folder name, the folder
> > name will always start "{x-1.net:50143}" but whatever I try doesn't
> > seem to work. I have even tried matching some local folders but I
> > can't get them to work either.
> >
> > I have triend
> > folder-hook x-1 'set folder_format="%N %F %f"'
> > folder-hook 50143 'set folder_format="%N %F %f"'
> > folder-hook .x-1 'set folder_format="%N %F %f"'
> Someone already answered the rest of your email (I hope that helped),
> I'll just comment that someone filed a bug-report with folder-hooks and
> IMAP mailboxes awhile ago. I don't have the email anymore so I can't
> check, but it had something to do with the {} in the IMAP folder names
> getting interpreted the wrong way, and consequently causing problems
> for (read: making impossible to use) folder-hooks with IMAP folders.
> Hopefully the issue is sorted out soon. If it was a real issue --
> just because there is a bug report doesn't mean there really is a bug,
> I've seen plenty of cases where in the end the issue has been a
> configuration or site-depended problem. But your problems with the
> hooks certainly would seem to indicate it's a real bug, that's not
> impossible either.
I have found out why I was having problems with folder-hook. I was
confused by the name, I was expecting a *folder*-hook to act when
entering a folder (well that's not too unreasonable is it?) but, as a
closer reading of the manual reveals, it only acts when entering a
What I was looking for was a way to change the browser format when
changing from local directories/folders to IMAP folders. Since
folder-hook doesn't take effect until *after* I've used the browser to
find the mailbox I want it's not much help.
I'll have to roll the change of $folder_format variable into my macros
for switching from local to IMAP and back, they're going to be big
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