On Fri, Jul 16, 1999 at 12:37:13PM +0200, Alexander Langer wrote:
> Thus spake Mark Mielke ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Also many of them wouldn't know how to use a non "impressing" view of
> > their mailbox. It's so much cooler to have messages fade and titles
> Standard-Mutt is b/w for me without my config files.
> Maybe in a further version themes could be added. That would make it a
> mutt-newbie easy to make it well-looking and have nice key-bindings.
> Maybe also a folder-configure-program, that lets you add folders by a
> GUI.
You can use a *term to do this. Eterm, for one, supports themes and
works with Mutt. As a matter fact, one of themes in the package is one
for mutt, but pretty easy to create your own.
Hal B
Linux helps those who help themselves