On Fri, Jul 16, 1999 at 10:46:09AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > So we can win 'mindshare', and mutt will continue to work as the 'net
> > evolves. See http://www.cryptonomicon.com/beginning.html.
> I think we're not giving people enough credit. Just because they
> use some other mailer we think it's because they're forced to or
> don't know any better. It is possible that they actually like it
> better than Mutt.. not everyone has the same noodle in their gord.
> FYI, Linus Torvalds himself uses Pine. So it's not just newbies
> or morons.

I referred to "In the Beginning was the Command Line" for it's
description of 'mindshare' - not to belittle anyone.
If there aren't enough mutt users, mutt will not be kept up to date,
and as new mail protocols etc. are created, mutt will eventually stop
This, to me, is the main reason we need to keep a good base of users. 
I also think we could expand this base a lot if pre-compiled DOS and/or
W32 binaries were easily available.

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