Tom Hall [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 16, 1999 at 10:46:09AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This, to me, is the main reason we need to keep a good base of users.
> I also think we could expand this base a lot if pre-compiled DOS and/or
> W32 binaries were easily available.
I kind of ignored this the first time around, but this time I have to comment.
Why in the world would it be beneficial to have pre-compiled DOS and/or W32
binaries available? This smells more like digging for trouble to me. We
already have the same questions asked and answered on a daily basis on here.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen someone ask how you set a different
from address depending on the mailbox or who sent it to you. If keeping a
good base of users so development continues is our goal, then Win users are
not the ones we want. If mutt was developed commercially that would be a case
you could make, because they might drop the product simply based on the number
of people using it. But in an open project like mutt the way it keeps going
is people contributing to it. Not whining about it because it doesn't have a
pretty window with a progress bar everytime you do anything with it. Or
because they have to work with a config file instead of clicking an options
Having a port to those platforms isn't a problem, because they still have to
compile the thing to make it work, which requires at least a measure of
brainwave activity. Make it available precompiled, esp in a self-installing
package, and this list will go down the tubes.
No thank you. Let the windows l^Husers keep using their Outlook Express or
Eudora garbage, or else switch to linux.
Just my $.02
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