On Friday 05.03.1999 Tomas Calvo Gomez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi, I'm just joined the discussion, so maybe I'm missing something, but
> this is a very important issue for me. I'm using Solaris 2.5.1 but I can't
> see correctly Spanish characters. Mutt is version 0.95.1i
> I've never played with Locale values but these are by default:
> What could be done to see those characters in the pager?

I was told to see which locales are supported by my system by typing

locale -a

There will appear a list of locales that are supported if the locales
aren't broken.

Then, you can set LC_CTYPE and LANG to a locale that supports the
characters you need (for example es or es_ES or whatever was shown by
locale -a).

In my case, this didn't help, because my locales are broken. I had to
run configure --enable-locales-fix and recompile mutt.


                   D i r k   F "o r s t e r l i n g                  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ********  http://www.DeathsDoor.com/milliByte/
"Was für Sie schwer ist, ist für mich leicht, und was für mich leicht
                    ist, ist für Sie schwer." - R.K.

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