On Wednesday 03.03.1999 Roland Rosenfeld ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Wed, 03 Mar 1999, Dirk Foersterling wrote:
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ibm850
> > I have problems with the following characters (and probably more that I
> > didn't try):
> >
> > äöüThÖLâêîôûàèì=ùáéíóúdUVÔFuUVÒuuDHÓd
> > (Two lines if you can't display them:)
> >
> > """z"""^^^^^`````'''''^^^^^`````'''''
> > aousAOUaeiouaeiouaeiouAEIOUAEIOUAEIOU
> You may not have understood the differences between different
> charsets? The characters you mean above come from iso-8859-1 (Latin1)
> but then you write in the header of your mail that you use ibm850. The
Sorry. This is an artifact of my experiments with the charset variable.
I wrote the message originally with mutt-0.95.3 (with the wrong
setting), postponed it and continued with mutt-0.79 to be able to type
the characters into the subject line.
> iso-8859-1 and so it converts the ibm850 chars to iso-8859-1. This
> leeds to the rubbish, I quoted above.
I'm aware of what the charset types are. I simply forgot to reject from
my last experiments. iso-8859-1 was the first charset I tried out.
> Then you may have a problem with your locale settings. Try setting
> the envionment variable LC_CTYPE (or LC_ALL, LANG) to some value
> supporting iso-8859-1 (e.g. "de_DE").
I tried this now, but this doesn't help anything.
However, just using mutt-0.79 in place of 0.95.3 displays everything
fine. If I set pager=less, the charset displays fine also. The problem
is just within mutt. What else could I have done wrong?
D i r k F "o r s t e r l i n g
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ******** http://www.DeathsDoor.com/milliByte/
"Diese Rekursionen sind nicht mit den Haaren herbeigezaubert" - R.K.