Le Thu 04/03/1999, David DeSimone disait
> Vikas Agnihotri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Thats not right.  If getenv("LANG") == NULL, applications are supposed
> > to deal with it by defaulting to the "C" locale or some such
> > appropriate default.  Not croak and whine about it.
> I'm not saying that less should die.  In fact, my version of less does
> not die; it simply prints inverse-video hex-codes for the characters
> that it believes are not printable (i.e. the characters with the
> high-bit set).

        You can set the environment variable LESSCHARSET to specify
the charset.

Erwan DAVID            | Domaine de Voluceau
Trusted Logic          | BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay CEDEX France
Je ne parle qu'en mon nom propre, et encore pas toujours.

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