On Wed, 03 Mar 1999, Dirk Foersterling wrote:

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ibm850

> I have problems with the following characters (and probably more that I
> didn't try):
>  õ÷³ThÍLÔÛ¯¶¹ÓÞý=¨ßÚݾ·dUVÈFuUVÊuuDHËd

> (Two lines if you can't display them:)
>  """z"""^^^^^`````'''''^^^^^`````'''''
>  aousAOUaeiouaeiouaeiouAEIOUAEIOUAEIOU

You may not have understood the differences between different
charsets? The characters you mean above come from iso-8859-1 (Latin1)
but then you write in the header of your mail that you use ibm850. The 
old mutt 0.79 simply displayed every character as is and so you were
able to read this. Newer versions come with much better charset code
which finds the ibm850 in the header and knows that my xterm uses
iso-8859-1 and so it converts the ibm850 chars to iso-8859-1. This
leeds to the rubbish, I quoted above.

> Instead of these characters, the mutt pager only displays question
> marks.

Then you may have a problem with your locale settings. Try setting
the envionment variable LC_CTYPE (or LC_ALL, LANG) to some value
supporting iso-8859-1 (e.g. "de_DE").



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