On Thu, Mar 04, Vikas Agnihotri wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 03, 1999 at 02:17:25PM -0600, David DeSimone wrote:
> > If I set $LANG to this value, Mutt is then able to display ISO-8859-1
> [...]
> Solaris 2.6. I have never mucked around with the $LANG or locale stuff
> either in Mutt or my .profile, etc and everything works fine for me. I
> am able to display iso-8859-1 just fine.
> > Technically, your version of "less" is broken, or rather, not very
> > smart, because it is assuming that those ISO-8859-1 characters are
> > printable, when there is no such guarantee. Without a proper $LANG
> > setting, it *should* assume that they are not printable, the same way
> > that Mutt-0.95 does.
> Thats not right. If getenv("LANG") == NULL, applications are supposed
> to deal with it by defaulting to the "C" locale or some such
> appropriate default. Not croak and whine about it.
> > We've all had to do this.
> Not really. As I said, I have _never_ had to muck around with this.
> Vikas
Hi, I'm just joined the discussion, so maybe I'm missing something, but
this is a very important issue for me. I'm using Solaris 2.5.1 but I can't
see correctly Spanish characters. Mutt is version 0.95.1i
I've never played with Locale values but these are by default:
What could be done to see those characters in the pager?
Thank you very much.
Tomas Calvo Gomez Telefonica I+D
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