On Sat, Feb 13, 1999 at 10:57:45PM -0800, Daniel Eisenbud wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 13, 1999 at 07:57:54AM -0500, Jeremy Blosser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, TLR said that he would prefer to have the lists open. But
> he's not running the lists, Steve Kennedy is. I will be glad to be one
> of the people who gets unapproved mails and bounces them to the list --
> though perhaps what happened to me was a fluke, and all of the
> unapproved mail (perhaps there's not much?) does get forwarded to the
> list quickly, and I should just shut up? But neither of the people who
When I was first subscribed to this list (I subscribe as peter-mutt, while mutt was
still sending uit peter as my From:, like it should), _none_ of the postings I did
came through to the list. Some of 'm were questions, some of 'm quite helpful
answers. So.. no, don't shut up.
> get the unapproved mail have stepped up and said this is the case, or I
> would have shut up long ago. So I will shut up now, but Steve, if you
> are too busy to do this all the time (which I completely understand and
> sympathize with) please take my offer to be one of the moderators
> seriously.
Amen to that.
> > And if you feel the need to flame me, please temper it with the fact in
> > mind that my cat just woke me up after a few hours' sleep to let me know
> > she was having kittens ;)
> I do not in fact feel the need to flame you. And congratulations to
> your cat! :-)
Same from me.
Greetz, Peter.
.| Peter van Dijk