
On Mon 2002-06-03 at 23:07:26 -0400, Mike Arrison wrote:
> Mutters,
>         I, like most of you, have more than one address I send from.  I
> use folder hooks to "set from", "my_hdr From", and "my_hdr Reply-To".
> This works perfectly except when I forget to change to the right folder
> before sending a message.
>         So when I find myself at the compose menu with a finished
> message and the wrong addresses (a "profile" if you will) what am I to
> do?  I'm think about something like a macro to change everything, but
> changing the same vars as my folder hooks doesn't seem to work.  I'm
> sure I'm not the only one with this problem.  Any help here?

How about using a send-hook that checks for the to/from/cc. Mine for
this list looks like (1-1 copy from my muttrc):

send-hook '~C "^mutt-(users|dev)@mutt\.org$" | ~f ^benjamin-mutt@pflugmann\.de$' ' \
                   my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; \
                   set attribution="On %d, %F wrote:" ; \
                   set signature="~/.signature_mutt" ; \
                   set pgp_sign_as="0xDA119C70" '

# in contrast to '~C listadress ( ~P | ~p )' this rule will also
# catch private mail which relates to the list. send-hook assures the
# correct mail address is set.
fcc-save-hook '~f ^benjamin-mutt@pflugmann\.de$ | \
               ~C ^benjamin-mutt@pflugmann\.de$' =archive/rmutt.gz

fcc-save-hook '~C ^mutt-dev@mutt\.org$' =archive/mutt_dev.gz
fcc-save-hook '~C ^mutt-users@mutt\.org$' =archive/mutt_user.gz




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