
> "set edit_hdrs" and use your editor to make the change.

Agreed, I think that'll be for the best.

>   map #F1 1G/^From: /e+1<CR>CMike Arrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]><Esc>
>   map #F2 1G/^From: /e+1<CR>CMike Arrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]><Esc>

Perfect, thank you.  Except that I didn't mention my email addresses...
looking up on me, eh?

> > X-Mailer: Mutt (No Microsoft client in sight)

Oh fine... upgrade complete

> by the way, if you are subscribed to this list then please
> change "lists mutt-users" to "subscribe mutt-users" - thankyou!

Thanks for the tip

> and please dont send TOFU (text oben, fullquote unten).  thanks.

I was unfamiliar with the acronym, but I think I figured it out, yes?

        -Mike Arrison

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