Le Sat 06/02/1999, David DeSimone disait
> Daniel Eisenbud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Did you _read_ the beginning of my post that you quoted above?  I give
> > another really good reason or two for at least mutt-dev to be open.
> Because it's listed in the "mutt -v" output, right?  Sounds reasonable
> to me, but I usually assume that people who post on a list are actually
> subscribed to the list; I always use list-reply when writing back.  If
> the user isn't subscribed, they won't see my reply, and I'll have no
> idea that they didn't see it.

        mutt -v output does not say it is a list. It could be a simple 
alias to contact the developpers.

Erwan DAVID            | Domaine de Voluceau
Trusted Logic          | BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay CEDEX France
Je ne parle qu'en mon nom propre, et encore pas toujours.

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