On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 04:14:54PM +0000, SteelOnIce wrote:

> When I use Mutt together with pgp it attaches my signatures and /
> or encrypted mails as files... I want the pgp message to be the
> main message body! How can I change that???

Not at all.  Mutt generates MIME-encapsulated PGP messages as
defined in RFC 2015.  Putting PGP information into a message's body
leads to problems with content type and character set tagging, and
it leads to problems with software which is MIME, but not PGP aware.

> Also, when I recive a pgp encrypted mail I can't read it! It shows
> me the pgp message as the body but doesn't ask for my passphrase...

Read doc/PGP-Notes.txt.

Thomas Roessler · 74a353cc0b19 · dg1ktr · http://home.pages.de/~roessler/
     2048/CE6AC6C1 · 4E 04 F0 BC 72 FF 14 23 44 85 D1 A1 3B B0 73 C1
> Hi!  I'm Signature Virus 99!  Copy me into your signature and join the fun!

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