Well.... just one more time :)))

On Mon, Jan 18, Thomas Roessler wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 04:14:54PM +0000, SteelOnIce wrote:
> > When I use Mutt together with pgp it attaches my signatures and /
> > or encrypted mails as files... I want the pgp message to be the
> > main message body! How can I change that???
> Not at all.  Mutt generates MIME-encapsulated PGP messages as
> defined in RFC 2015.  Putting PGP information into a message's body
> leads to problems with content type and character set tagging, and
> it leads to problems with software which is MIME, but not PGP aware.

Hmm... all I want to do is send a plain text message, which contains the pgp message
Why does that lead to content problems? I recived Mails containing a pgp sig. at the 
bottom before...
or Mails, where all I can see in the message is that pgp stuff. I never had any 
But Mutt sends attachments... people are already copmplaining about that! 
There got to be a way!!!

Thanks again


"Nothing can be loved or hated 
 unless it is first understood"
              Leonardo da Vinci 1452 - 1519
> Hi!  I'm Signature Virus 99!  Copy me into your signature and join the fun!

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