On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 07:04:33PM +0000, SteelOnIce wrote:
> Hmm... all I want to do is send a plain text message, which
> contains the pgp message NO ATACHMENTS... Why does that lead to
> content problems? I recived Mails containing a pgp sig. at the
> bottom before... or Mails, where all I can see in the message is
> that pgp stuff. I never had any problems... But Mutt sends
> attachments... people are already copmplaining about that! There
> got to be a way!!!
Think character sets.
Thomas Roessler ˇ 74a353cc0b19 ˇ dg1ktr ˇ http://home.pages.de/~roessler/
2048/CE6AC6C1 ˇ 4E 04 F0 BC 72 FF 14 23 44 85 D1 A1 3B B0 73 C1
> Hi! I'm Signature Virus 99! Copy me into your signature and join the fun!