On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 01:06:00PM +0100, Richard Russon wrote:
> > I'm going to take a few weeks off from Mutt development.
> Thanks for all your hard work on Mutt.


> > Five years later
> You've been *maintaining* Mutt, but we've been *developing* NeoMutt.

First off I think that's neither a fair nor accurate assesment; under
Kevin, Mutt has seen more active development than as under previous

Secondly I think the problem remains, as it ever has been, that the
NeoMutt project has a fundamentally different philosophy than Mutt.
Historically NeoMutt has been generally in favor of integrating
patches which, while they may have provided desired (by some)
functionality, have been rejected by Mutt, because in large part the
code was kind of... bad, and typically there wasn't much interest in
improving it--just requests to include it as-is. Mutt has been much
more conservative about what it will accept, for pretty good reason:
Mutt currently has 36 open issues--most of which are feature
requests--whereas NeoMutt has ~5x as many, and a number of them look
to be serious bugs, at a glance.  While conservatism relaxed
/somewhat/ under Kevin's leadership, with a mind toward making sure
Mutt doesn't fall behind the curve, it seems to me the difference in
philosophy is still fundamentally true.

That said, I'll admit that I have not tracked NeoMutt development
recently.  Perhaps it is no longer true. I'll be honest--what I'd
really prefer to see is the two projects merge, where "NeoMutt" would
be the place were things were tried, fleshed out, and refined so that
they could be included in Mutt.  Though I suspect by now development
has diverged sufficiently to make that impractical.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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