On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 01:12:24PM -0700, Kevin wrote in <20200728201224.ga148...@afu.lan>:
Just a heads-up that I'm going to take a few weeks off from Mutt development. It's been consuming a large amount of my time, and I need some counterbalance to regain my perspective and get my motivation level back up.

Hi Kevin,

Thank you for the heads up and for all the hard work you've done on
mutt over the past years. It has been really great to see mutt
development having picked up again.

That said, while I was happy to see you take over mutt development, it
is not good when mutt development takes over your life in return!

Please do take as much time as you need and worry about mutt and us
after your return from your well deserved break.

I know I haven't been very good at bringing people onto the team. Five years later, there ought to be more committers, reviewers, etc so I don't feel I have to do this alone.

Don't blame this all on yourself. It takes two to tango and many more
to make such a project a succesfull group effort. If no one is
stepping up to the plate (as you've done in the past yourself), no one
can complain for not getting a chance to bat. With git it is trivial
for those interested to develop in their own branches and solicit
feedback on features and bugfixes as they work on them. Mostly
everyone seemed happy with the status quo until things break at your

I'd like to encourage people who have been participating in Mutt for a while (in any capacity) to talk to me, on- or off-list about becoming a team member. The "Developer" role on gitlab can push to branches (besides master and stable), and I'm quite open to giving those out and working towards a "Maintainer" role.

I don't think any one person should have to lead the project until they burn out. Ideally I would love to transition to just a developer in the next year or two. :-)

I agree with what you wrote here and think it would be a good idea to
have mutt development and maintenance become more of a shared
responsibility than a single man effort with some supporters from the
sideline. I don't feel comfortable enough yet to volunteer myself for
any such position, but I will try to support you in any way I can.

Thank you all!

No, thank you!

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