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Re: [mono-android] SIGSEGV on global::Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<>
Re: [mono-android] SIGSEGV on global::Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<>
Re: [mono-android] SIGSEGV on global::Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<>
Re: [mono-android] SIGSEGV on global::Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<>
Jonathan Pryor
[mono-android] Using the new async code in the 4.7 branch
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Using the new async code in the 4.7 branch
Miljenko Cvjetko
Re: [mono-android] Using the new async code in the 4.7 branch
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Using the new async code in the 4.7 branch
Miljenko Cvjetko
[mono-android] Setting Xam Studio so layouts are portrait
Paul Johnson
[mono-android] VS 2012 slow to respond when hitting breakpoints
Re: [mono-android] VS 2012 slow to respond when hitting breakpoints
[mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Dragos Pop
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Slow Build- und Packaging-Process & few other things after update
Paul Johnson
[mono-android] NoClassDefFoundError on new classFromNativeLibrary(AppContext)
Chas Xu
Re: [mono-android] NoClassDefFoundError on new classFromNativeLibrary(AppContext)
Sayed Arian Kooshesh
Re: [mono-android] NoClassDefFoundError on new classFromNativeLibrary(AppContext)
Chas Xu
Re: [mono-android] NoClassDefFoundError on new classFromNativeLibrary(AppContext)
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] NoClassDefFoundError on new classFromNativeLibrary(AppContext)
Chas Xu
Re: [mono-android] NoClassDefFoundError on new classFromNativeLibrary(AppContext)
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] NoClassDefFoundError on new classFromNativeLibrary(AppContext)
Sayed Arian Kooshesh
Re: [mono-android] Onclick event handler on button contained in a listview item
Re: [mono-android] Onclick event handler on button contained in a listview item
Jonathan Pryor
[mono-android] how to know my app version number on google play from my device
Re: [mono-android] how to know my app version number on google play from my device
[mono-android] new entry
Massimiliano Fabbri
Re: [mono-android] new entry
Miljenko Cvjetko
Re: [mono-android] new entry
Massimiliano Fabbri
[mono-android] Receiving class doesn't seem to deserialise values in the intent
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Receiving class doesn't seem to deserialise values in the intent
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Receiving class doesn't seem to deserialise values in the intent
Robert Jordan
[mono-android] cannot deploy on Xperia And 4.1 cannot debug Internal error
John Murray
[mono-android] long polling - connection timeouts
Stephan Steiner
Re: [mono-android] long polling - connection timeouts
Sayed Arian Kooshesh
Re: [mono-android] long polling - connection timeouts
Goncalo Oliveira
Re: [mono-android] long polling - connection timeouts
Stephan Steiner
Re: [mono-android] long polling - connection timeouts
Goncalo Oliveira
Re: [mono-android] long polling - connection timeouts
Stephan Steiner
[mono-android] Problem with android resource attribute
[mono-android] Can't debug after upgrading to version 4.6
José M . Rivera
[mono-android] ActionBarSherlock styling
Re: [mono-android] ActionBarSherlock styling
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] ActionBarSherlock styling
[mono-android] Intellisense in AndroidManifest?
Joshua Barker
[mono-android] LinkAssemblies fails in latest 4.6 beta
Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED
Re: [mono-android] LinkAssemblies fails in latest 4.6 beta
Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED
Re: [mono-android] LinkAssemblies fails in latest 4.6 beta
Stephen Shaw
Re: [mono-android] LinkAssemblies fails in latest 4.6 beta
Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED
Re: [mono-android] LinkAssemblies fails in latest 4.6 beta
[mono-android] Facebook binding error
Randy Ficker
[mono-android] Every second compilation attempt fails in large project
Stephan Steiner
[mono-android] Minimum Android to target option
Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED
Re: [mono-android] Minimum Android to target option
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Minimum Android to target option
Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED
[mono-android] handling webservices with self-signed certificates
Stephan Steiner
Re: [mono-android] handling webservices with self-signed certificates
Stephan Steiner
Re: [mono-android] handling webservices with self-signed certificates
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] handling webservices with self-signed certificates
Stephan Steiner
Re: [mono-android] handling webservices with self-signed certificates
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] handling webservices with self-signed certificates
Stephan Steiner
Re: [mono-android] handling webservices with self-signed certificates
Stephan Steiner
Re: [mono-android] handling webservices with self-signed certificates
Stephan Steiner
Re: [mono-android] handling webservices with self-signed certificates
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] handling webservices with self-signed certificates
Stephan Steiner
Re: [mono-android] handling webservices with self-signed certificates
Jonathan Pryor
[mono-android] Memory Leak With Simple App
Re: [mono-android] Memory Leak With Simple App
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Memory Leak With Simple App
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Memory Leak With Simple App
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Memory Leak With Simple App
[mono-android] Accessing the default user email address
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Accessing the default user email address
Aaron He
Re: [mono-android] Accessing the default user email address
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Accessing the default user email address
Sayed Arian Kooshesh
Re: [mono-android] Accessing the default user email address
Sayed Arian Kooshesh
[mono-android] Nexus 7 4.2.2 not in VS2010 "Select Device" dialog
Steve Sharrock
Re: [mono-android] Nexus 7 4.2.2 not in VS2010 "Select Device" dialog
Steve Sharrock
[mono-android] Earlier versions
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Earlier versions
Jonathan Pryor
[mono-android] using ITelephony.aidl / using native OS interfaces
Stephan Steiner
[mono-android] Compiling to native code (Xamarin.Android 4.7)
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Compiling to native code (Xamarin.Android 4.7)
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Compiling to native code (Xamarin.Android 4.7)
Paul Johnson
[mono-android] Latest alpha (4.7.1) seems to just hang there
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Latest alpha (4.7.1) seems to just hang there
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] AutoCompleteCustomAdapter problem
Jonathan Pryor
[mono-android] cannot find symbol symbol : class __FastDevLauncher location: package
Re: [mono-android] cannot find symbol symbol : class __FastDevLauncher location: package
Jonathan Pryor
[mono-android] Can you have multiple lists in a view?
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Can you have multiple lists in a view?
Craig Dunn
Re: [mono-android] Can you have multiple lists in a view?
Tom Opgenorth
[mono-android] Set up an Galaxy S2 with 4.1.2 for debugging
Re: [mono-android] Set up an Galaxy S2 with 4.1.2 for debugging
Fernando Cordero
Re: [mono-android] Set up an Galaxy S2 with 4.1.2 for debugging
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Set up an Galaxy S2 with 4.1.2 for debugging
Re: [mono-android] Set up an Galaxy S2 with 4.1.2 for debugging
Re: [mono-android] Set up an Galaxy S2 with 4.1.2 for debugging
Miljenko Cvjetko
Re: [mono-android] Set up an Galaxy S2 with 4.1.2 for debugging
Re: [mono-android] Set up an Galaxy S2 with 4.1.2 for debugging
Re: [mono-android] Set up an Galaxy S2 with 4.1.2 for debugging
[mono-android] Package .apk disabled in Release mode
Breyer, Christian
Re: [mono-android] Package .apk disabled in Release mode
Tom Opgenorth
[mono-android] M unable to view all the controls in my emulator(size problem)
[mono-android] Getting error in simplecursoradapter listview example
Re: [mono-android] Getting error in simplecursoradapter listview example
Re: [mono-android] Getting error in cursoradapter listview example
[mono-android] Missing Android.Resource.Styleable
Dimitar Dobrev
[mono-android] Missing Android.Resource.Styleable
Dimitar Dobrev
Re: [mono-android] Missing Android.Resource.Styleable
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Missing Android.Resource.Styleable
Dimitar Dobrev
Re: [mono-android] Missing Android.Resource.Styleable
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Missing Android.Resource.Styleable
Dimitar Dobrev
Re: [mono-android] Missing Android.Resource.Styleable
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Missing Android.Resource.Styleable
Dimitar Dobrev
Re: [mono-android] Missing Android.Resource.Styleable
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Missing Android.Resource.Styleable
Dimitar Dobrev
Re: [mono-android] Missing Android.Resource.Styleable
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Missing Android.Resource.Styleable
Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED
Re: [mono-android] errors in Referencing a Custom Row View in listview ex
Igor Velikorossov
Re: [mono-android] [Mono-list] Mono for Android: how to use a non-standard widget from axml?
Dimitar Dobrev
Re: [mono-android] [Mono-list] Mono for Android: how to use a non-standard widget from axml?
Dimitar Dobrev
[mono-android] Custom Adapter with multiple widget. need help with itemClick event or something similiar.
[mono-android] errors in Referencing a Custom Row View in listview ex
[mono-android] In AlertDialog, how to remove the space above and below the cusomview
[mono-android] How can i update the progress in the onProgress Update in using ASYNCTask in mono for Android
Re: [mono-android] How can i update the progress in the onProgress Update in using ASYNCTask in mono for Android
Agustín Giménez
[mono-android] ViewPagerIndicator in Monodroid
[mono-android] Error "java" existed with code 1
Re: [mono-android] Error "java" existed with code 1
Ricardo Romao Soares
Re: [mono-android] Error "java" existed with code 1
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Error "java" existed with code 1
Fernando Cordero
Re: [mono-android] Error "java" existed with code 1
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Error "java" existed with code 1
Fernando Cordero
Re: [mono-android] Error "java" existed with code 1
Heemanshu Bhalla
[mono-android] how to bind sqlite database table data to listview in MfA just like gridview
Re: [mono-android] how to bind sqlite database table data to listview in MfA just like gridview
Agustín Giménez
[mono-android] grabbing the message from smsBroadcastreceiver
[mono-android] Breakpoint being ignored Xamarin 4.6, VS 2012
Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED
Re: [mono-android] Breakpoint being ignored Xamarin 4.6, VS 2012
Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED
[mono-android] how to ouput chinese use Console.out.WriteLine()
xin Lee
Re: [mono-android] how to ouput chinese use Console.out.WriteLine()
Re: [mono-android] how to ouput chinese use Console.out.WriteLine()
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Java.Lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.lang.ICharSequence
Re: [mono-android] Java.Lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.lang.ICharSequence
Jonathan Pryor
[mono-android] Android.Text.Format.DateFormat.GetDateFormat is missing
Re: [mono-android] Android.Text.Format.DateFormat.GetDateFormat is missing
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Android.Text.Format.DateFormat.GetDateFormat is missing
[mono-android] How to use Orientation onConfigurationChanged method in monoandroid?
Re: [mono-android] How to use Orientation OnConfiguration method in monoandroid
[mono-android] Auto-close alert dialog after a specific time
Re: [mono-android] Auto-close alert dialog after a specific time
[mono-android] the version of 4.4.54
Re: [mono-android] the version of 4.4.54
Jonathan Pryor
[mono-android] HttpWebRequest and ServicePoint.SetTcpKeepAlive
Re: [mono-android] HttpWebRequest and ServicePoint.SetTcpKeepAlive
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] HttpWebRequest and ServicePoint.SetTcpKeepAlive
[mono-android] Can't start remove service
Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED
Re: [mono-android] Can't start remove service
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Can't start remove service
Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED
Re: [mono-android] Can't start remove service
Jonathan Pryor
Re: [mono-android] Can't start remove service
Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED
Re: [mono-android] Can't start remove service
Jonathan Pryor
[mono-android] Enhancement code for Spinner
Re: [mono-android] Enhancement code for Spinner
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Enhancement code for Spinner
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Enhancement code for Spinner
Re: [mono-android] Enhancement code for Spinner
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Enhancement code for Spinner
Re: [mono-android] Enhancement code for Spinner
Paul Johnson
Re: [mono-android] Enhancement code for Spinner
[mono-android] Help with Binding EcoGallery
Kosta Mihajlov
Re: [mono-android] Enhancement code for Spinner
Paul Johnson
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