I'm using Xamarin.Android 4.6.2 and have found a problem not in 4.6.1
My code to call a new activity looks like this
btnView.Click += delegate
List<string> ids = recsToView.Select(t =>
Intent i = new Intent(this, typeof(infoRecord));
i.PutExtra("list", ids.Count > 1 ? true : false);
i.PutExtra("sex", baseInfo.sex);
i.PutStringArrayListExtra("IDs", ids);
if (ids.Count == 1)
i.PutExtra("ID", ids [0]);
Nothing out of the ordinary. If I put a debug point at the
startactivity, the intent has everything in there correctly.
The receiving activity looks like this
bool isList = base.Intent.GetBooleanExtra("list", false);
baseInfo.sex = base.Intent.GetBooleanExtra("sex", true); // male
baseInfo.ID = base.Intent.GetIntExtra("ID", -1);
int f = base.Intent.GetIntExtra("ID", 0); // test
bool all = base.Intent.GetBooleanExtra("all", false);
Again, a breakpoint shows {ID=6445, sex=false, list=false, IDs={6445}},
so the values are there and showing correctly, they're just not being
read into the variables.
Any ideas on what is going on here or if it's a bug I've found?
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space, listen..."
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