On Apr 29, 2013, at 6:09 PM, JLee <mono.andr...@gridline.de> wrote:
> are you kidding me?
> i'm the same person who's answering at
> https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=10840.
> Username on both spots is JLee, is it that difficult?

I generally ignore usernames in everything except IRC.

> I already provided diagnostic build outputs and alot more infos.

Yes, you have. In German. I don't speak (much) German. translate.google.com is 
good, but not great.

Through it I found the Trial edition bug, which was reproducible by the QA 
team. Which is why I thought that it was a Trial bug. I could think of no other 
cause for the slowdown in the build output. Which just means I need to re-read 
the output again...

 - Jon

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