In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Perhaps _you_ could suggest appropriate names for these two modules ?

> > I suggest what i have already suggested:

> >   CGI::Auth::NameOfAuthType
> >   Term::UI::NameOfUIType

> Thanks for you suggestions.  I just need to clarify one detail:
> Are the words NameOfAuthType and NameOfUIType intended as literal
> suggestions for module names, or as tokens to be replaced later by
> the real module names ?

you should replace the last parts of those names with something
that describes your module.  what sets your module apart from 
other things that do CGI authorization or terminal interfaces?

> If the former, fine, I will go ahead and register these namespaces :-)
> If the latter, I must ask you again to suggest appropriate names for
> these two modules, because, as I explained, I am unable to think of
> better names than the names they already have.

these are your modules, and i do not think you are really trying to
come up with adequate names.  perhaps you should discuss your modules
in the Perl newsgroups, mailing lists, or other appropriate lists.
it is your job to come up with a good name.

as far as i am concerned, i'm closing the matter and not registering
your modules.  after you discuss he names with a wider audience,
submit new namespace requests.

brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins),
please send all messages back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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