In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tassilo V. Parseval 

> Also sprach [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> > On 23jan2002, on 20may2002, on 4jul2002, on 12jul2002, on 28aug2002,
> > I wrote about the "Sorry, there are no modules registered belonging
> > to PJB" message I was getting when I tried to "Edit Module Metadata".

> No need to panic. I remember the times when it was actually hard to
> register namespace for the reasons you mentioned. But in my impression
> things have brightened up very much in the last weeks thanks to brian d
> foy who's doing a very accurate job. 


Tassilo is becoming the guy that says "No worries, brian will do it" :)

i don't know what the problem has been. i have some concerns:

   there is already a Crypt::TEA, so i suggest working with that author
   or extending his module

   CGI::Htauth makes me nervous.  based on just the documentation
   the system doesn not seem secure, although that seems to be your
   intent.  Htauth has a different meaning for most people, too, since
   the apache ht* files use another scheme.  i might register this
   under a different name if the security issues could be worked out.

   Term::Clui needs a better name, i think

   I've registered Math::Evol.

what actually happens when you "register a namespace" is:

   * PAUSE send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * maybe one of the admins registers it right away, or maybe
   they have questions
   * if they have questions, you respond to those on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * an admin registers it, or it fades away

typically things only happen if one of the admins makes a positive
decision about the module.  since we're a loose collective, no one
is really pushing for decisions on all of the module submissions.
sometimes no one steps forward with anything to say and it slips
through the cracks.

brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins),
please send all messages back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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