In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So on that basis I stayed with Crypt::Tea.  I don't think Tea_PP is
> appropriate, for two reasons; firstly half the code is JavaScript, which

none of the code is JavaScript.  this is a Perl module, isn't it?
if you output JavaScript, that's just text.  i'm dubious that the
module should even output any sort of code.  that seems better suited
to templates.

> hardly qualifies as Pure Perl, and also I'm not committed to retaining
> even the server end in Perl if someone wants to squeeze higher performance
> by translating it into C or something.  There is no commonality in the
> code between Crypt::Tea and Crypt::TEA.

they both implement TEA.  the implementation details aren't that
important.  i think you should work to extend Crypt::TEA rather
than reinvent it.

> Htauth is, as the README says, early alpha. 

> "ht" are the first two letters of "http", and I don't see them as an
> apache patent.  I admit that Ht is tautologous with CGI:: ...

i don't see how "HyperText" (the first two words with HTTP) have
anything to do with your module.  i think you should choose a better
name.  you keep using "tautology", but i don't think it means what
you think it means.  HTTP or HTML are not CGI.  they have different 

> I did consider CGI::Authenticate or CGI::Auth but they confuse with
> the utterly unrelated CGI::Authent and didn't fit the Htui Htauth

i don't see how they are confusing.  I think you should choose a 
more descriptive name.

> > Term::Clui needs a better name, i think

> But Clui is pronouncable, which Vtui isn't, and the Vt is tautologous
> with Term:: , and there's a whole generation out there now who have never
> heard of a vt100.

i don't find any of this convincing.  Clui makes no sense to me.  i
think you should choose a more descriptive name.

brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins),
please send all messages back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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