Also sprach _brian_d_foy:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Timm Murray 
>> On Wednesday 23 October 2002 04:22, Tim Bunce wrote:
>> > On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 07:49:52PM -0500, _brian_d_foy wrote:
>> > > Does anyone have an objection to a new top-level namespace?  Blog seems
>> > > similar and has its own namespace.
>> > I'd be happy to see Freenet::*
>> I'll take that, but I'm not sure further polution of the root space is 
>> warrented.
> do you have other ideas where it might fit?

I think a new top-level namespace would be justified. Especially when
you implement something networkish that is not exactly a protocol but
doesn't fit into HTTP::* or WWW::* either, you are in quite a miserable
state. Why not introducing Netx:: just as DBIx:: has been introduced to
keep DBI:: uncluttered?


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