On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 07:49:52PM -0500, _brian_d_foy wrote:
> > I'm working on some modules for Freenet (www.freenetproject.org) and would 
> > like to register a namespace.  It appears that someone suggested the 
> > Net::Freenet:: namespace a few months ago 
> > (http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules/2002-06/msg00366.html), but 
> > I haven't found anything about it since.
> i think we finally decided not to put such things under Net.  
> is Freenet a new protocol, or does it ride on top of something else
> (like nntp, http, or so on?).  if it is another layer, i don't think
> it should be in Net.  if it's a new low-level protocol, you might
> be ale to convince us.
> do you have other suggestions for names?  would it fit in WebService?
> Does anyone have an objection to a new top-level namespace?  Blog seems
> similar and has its own namespace.

I'd be happy to see Freenet::*


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