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On Tuesday 22 October 2002 19:49, you wrote:
> > I'm working on some modules for Freenet (www.freenetproject.org) and
> > would like to register a namespace.  It appears that someone suggested
> > the Net::Freenet:: namespace a few months ago
> > (http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules/2002-06/msg00366.html),
> > but I haven't found anything about it since.
> i think we finally decided not to put such things under Net.
> is Freenet a new protocol, or does it ride on top of something else
> (like nntp, http, or so on?).  if it is another layer, i don't think
> it should be in Net.  if it's a new low-level protocol, you might
> be ale to convince us.

It's a new protocol.  Each "node" in the entire Freenet network communicates 
using "Freenet Node Protocol" (FNP).  Though it is theoretically possible to 
write a client program using FNP, it requires a lot of crypto key exchange 
that is more complex than even the most complicated clients should have to go 

Thus, "Freenet Client Protocol" (FCP) was developed to make it easy for 
clients to be written.  FCP is meant to be used only to connect to a node on 
localhost.  FCP is where my current efforts are being directed.

The current Freenet node implementation contains a gateway called "FProxy" 
that allows any HTTP client to connect to Freenet (also only meant to be used 
on localhost).  However, my module doesn't deal with HTTP at all.  Further, 
FProxy is designed primarily for accessing Freenet through a web browser, not 
for use as a general-purpose Freenet client layer.

> do you have other suggestions for names?  would it fit in WebService?

WebService wouldn't do at all--FProxy is the only part of Freenet that knows 
what HTTP is.

> Does anyone have an objection to a new top-level namespace?  Blog seems
> similar and has its own namespace.

- -- 
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